Are you wondering how to improve your lead pipeline? Maybe it is time to update your website content and see what you can do to drive more relevant traffic to your site and into your pipeline.

Why is it important to update website content?

By keeping your website content fresh and current, you are ensuring visitors to your website are getting their questions answered. If you do that, you’re going to give them a great experience. And if you do that, Google and the other search engines will reward you with more traffic. And more relevant traffic means more business.

Image quote about the benefits when you update your website content

Should I update my website myself or do I need an expert?

The short answer is yes, you should regularly be updating your website. If you schedule regular updates to your website, then it should be something that you or someone on your team can easily do.

If you’ve ignored your website for a number of years, then you’re probably going to need some technical website expertise, as well as content expertise helping out. 

How often should you update your website content?

Nothing in business remains static, and that includes your website. Just updating your website plugins and themes isn’t enough.

Every 18 months to 24 months, you should audit the content on your website and identify what needs to be updated.

Some questions to consider include: 

  • Am I still offering these products or services?
  • What new products or services am I adding?
  • What has changed about my business that needs to be updated (such as location or hours)?
  • Have there been any changes to your leadership team or key partners listed on the website?
  • What has changed in your industry that need to be reflected on your website?

Use your analytics to identify pages and posts to update

Another tool to leverage in identifying what web pages and blog posts need updating is your analytics tool. For most businesses, this is going to be Google Analytics or your Google Search Console.

You will want to see what pages are getting the most traffic. For those, you don’t want to make too many changes, but you will want to review to see if any updates are needed.

You will also want to look at adding any internal links from that page to other key pages so that you can take advantage of that SEO juice.

You will also want to consider adding an in-line call to action (CTA) to your popular pages and see if you can drive more leads to your business. 

How do I edit an existing website?

Today’s CMS platforms, such as WordPress, are pretty user-friendly for making content updates by even the most non-tech person on your team.

Before you get started, you should have the updated copy already drafted, edited and ready to go for placement. You should also have a plan for any new images, videos, and internal/external links that you will be adding to the web page or post. 

Should I delete web pages or blog posts?

Whether you should delete an outdated page or blog post is a complicated question. Generally, I would say for most people, they should leave the page or post and see what they can do to make necessary updates on the page. 

For sites with dozens, hundreds, or thousands of outdated pages or posts, then you may want to delete them. But you will need to do with the guidance or assistance of an expert. An expert will help you manage redirects and other technical issues you will need to do. 

Does updating your website help SEO?

If you update your older content, and it answers your visitors questions, then you will improve your SEO performance and rankings. By itself, it isn’t going to get you to position one, but you will be creating the foundation that will get you ranked.