Editor’s Note: This post describing the ultimate guide to LinkedIn native video was originally published on the Act-On Software blog. Have you considered adding LinkedIn Native Videos to your 2018 and 2019 marketing plans? If not, why not? Nearly all B2B...
This is the first in a series of video blog posts about ways to use your videos once they are created. For Seven G Media clients, we got you covered. You will receive a customized promotion plan that recommends where, how, and when you should be distributing and...
How To Use Video Through The Sales Cycle By Nathan Isaacs Did you know your prospective customers are unlikely to reach out to you and your business offering until more than half way through the sales process? Rather than waiting for that phone to call, you can...
Small business owners and startups have an advantage over their predecessors from 10 years ago. And that advantage is in the progress technology has made over that time period. As a result, there are no more excuses not having a business video on your website. Can you...
Businesses who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. Here are three easy ways to build your brand with video that you can start doing today. 1 – Livestream your next trade show or marketing event A great way to reach customers and prospects is...
Hi there! Nate, here, from Seven G Media, where Stories Define Us. Welcome to the second installment of how you can use videos for your organization. Today’s tip for is to use video marketing for Lead Generation. <p>In this video, we learn you can use video...
We’re closing in on the end of the first quarter in 2017, and it’s a good time to see how your video marketing strategy is taking shape. So, how goes it? What’s been working and why? If nothing’s working, why not? Marketers across the country said one of their top...